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Scientific Advice

Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Jürgen Vormann studied nutritional science at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart and received his doctorate in "Pharmacology and Toxicology of Nutrition". He obtained his habilitation and venia legendi for the subject of biochemistry at the Institute for Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at the Benjamin Franklin University Hospital of the Freie Universität Berlin, where he was appointed professor.

Main areas of work: Biochemistry and pathophysiology of minerals, trace elements and vitamins, acid-base balance.

Prof. Vormann heads the Institute for Prevention and Nutrition (IPEV) in Ismaning near Munich and is a former President of the Society for Magnesium Research, Germany, a member of the American Society for Nutrition and several German scientific societies, and on the board / scientific advisory board of various societies for nutritional medicine and nutrition.

In a large number of lectures / press conferences / television appearances, Prof. Vormann has reported on the importance of micronutrients / vitamins and secondary plant compounds for health.

By choosing and preparing food sensibly, at least 20 additional years of healthy life can be achieved! However, the knowledge is still unknown to many.
In addition, the course of many diseases can be positively influenced by a sensible change in diet and the targeted intake of certain food ingredients.
Nutrient therapy is now an important pillar of holistic health care.
Due to his many years of experience, Professor Vormann can advise you in detail on the composition of sensible food supplements.

​He has extensive experience, among other things, in the area of ​​developing preparations with minerals, trace elements, vitamins and/or phytochemicals.
Professor Vormann can assess both the nutritional and physiological usefulness and the importance of using appropriate products in the prevention and treatment of diseases.
Any necessary clinical tests can be planned with Professor Vormann and he can support you in the selection of the institutions (universities, etc.) to carry them out.
Professor Vormann can create training materials and publications on the relevant preparations, and he can also present study results at congresses and conferences.

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